

New member
Sep 20, 2004
So I take you are disputing that I took 10 on Minni. You are a a truly sad. I will guarantee that you are a $100.00 bettor, and all you do is stir up the shiat. If you would like to call Spiro, the head guy at Cris, or any of the offices on the Don best screen, they will all tell you i am one of the BIGGEST bettors in the entire offshore industry. Feel free to ask the Shrink if you would like. When a punk like you pops off and trys to refute people's statements with no facts it is really comical. Why don't you go back to your keno games at the Gold coast or your $10.00 parlays at the Las Vegas Hilton and stop embarrassing yourself in this public forum. If you would like to wager on my statements, feel free to put your money (or lackthereof) where your mouth is and we can find out who is a "real" bettor here. I was raised to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and not go into every situation with inherent cynicism. Perhaps if you made more than 20k a year, you wouln't be so bitter. You are a pathetic joke.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Weekend- I would erase your post after all you do not have to prove yourself to anyone. Especially on these types of forums. I used to make post exactly like you just did but realized I was letting my hole card out.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Spiros lines

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=650 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=casino-greybg-left>01/08 09:52:23pm</TD><TD class=casino-greybg-left> </TD><TD class=casino-greybg-left>#310</TD><TD class=casino-greybg-left>Philadelphia</TD><TD class=casino-greybg-right>10</TD><TD class=casino-greybg-left> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=casino-whitebg-left>01/09 06:56:32am</TD><TD class=casino-whitebg-left> </TD><TD class=casino-whitebg-left>#310</TD><TD class=casino-whitebg-left>Philadelphia</TD><TD class=casino-whitebg-right>10½</TD><TD class=casino-whitebg-left> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=casino-greybg-left>01/09 06:56:48am</TD><TD class=casino-greybg-left> </TD><TD class=casino-greybg-left>#310</TD><TD class=casino-greybg-left>Philadelphia</TD><TD class=casino-greybg-right>10</TD><TD class=casino-greybg-left> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Krack, I respect you and your perspective. I don't know if you know this, but we actually know each other. However, when some $5.00 5 team parlay bettor comes on these forums and tries to refute what every poster states because of his bitter existence, I think it is wrong. It is totally irrelevant who is a big bettor and who is a small bettor. I NEVER discuss how big i play as I know there are guys who play nickles who do better than me. If this was an isolated scenario, I would have said nothing. However, this guy never has anything nice to say to anyone. If people conduct themselves as polite individuals, I will keep my mouth shut. However, when someone is allowed to instigate and instigate against fellow posters without any verbal reprisal, I need to throw in my .02. Good luck Krack, and I wish you a wonderful and prosperous 05!!!:103631605 :smoker2:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
comes on these forums and tries to refute what every poster states because of his bitter existence, I think it is wrong.
While I did not know kiss1 to be one of them. I agree 100% there are a few of them that do this and it pisses me off.

Nope, did not know we knew each other. Shoot me an email if you have time.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Minny is the sharp play here period.

All squares are on Phila

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Kiss is a J.O.

He used to ride my ass all the time at covers. Got me banned a few times.

New member
Dec 29, 2004
I think the best solution is to IGNORE people you dont like whenever they post. just dont pay attention. I am real new on the forum. I think all around its great, alot of real smart people here. it helps me out alot. its like when I attend a AA meeting I listen to everybody, I gather more good stuff than bad. but my opinion its better to ignore than be defensive. alot of people dont like JJ but I like the guy and I dont even know him. he puts in a 100% effort posting everyday. he talks about everything. and all the moderators on this forum does a excellent job.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Covers has allwhore **** ******** and thieves

Higherst rate of scammers come from covers boards

Half of mods on take with sportsbooks

real scumbags

RX is pure class

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
man, relax, have a beer. your team will win this weekend and all will be forgotten.:suomi:

who cares if you are a $10 bettor or a $100,000 bettor like Shrink:drink: . it's all in fun. don't take things personal on this site, and your blood pressure will be a lot less.

kiss1 isnt that bad of a guy, smartass, yes, but overall seemed pretty decent at last years bash.

So I take you are disputing that I took 10 on Minni. You are a a truly sad. I will guarantee that you are a $100.00 bettor, and all you do is stir up the shiat. If you would like to call Spiro, the head guy at Cris, or any of the offices on the Don best screen, they will all tell you i am one of the BIGGEST bettors in the entire offshore industry. Feel free to ask the Shrink if you would like. When a punk like you pops off and trys to refute people's statements with no facts it is really comical. Why don't you go back to your keno games at the Gold coast or your $10.00 parlays at the Las Vegas Hilton and stop embarrassing yourself in this public forum. If you would like to wager on my statements, feel free to put your money (or lackthereof) where your mouth is and we can find out who is a "real" bettor here. I was raised to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and not go into every situation with inherent cynicism. Perhaps if you made more than 20k a year, you wouln't be so bitter. You are a pathetic joke.

Feb 26, 1999
I have known WEEKENDALKI for 8 years now. He does bet heavy and his word is GOLDEN. For a poster like Kissiepoo to doubt him is ridiculous.

There are very few people in this industry that I trust completely...

WEEKENDALKI is one of the few that I do...

If anything, he tends to downplay the size of his wagers and exaggerates his losses...

He is good people. period...


Active member
Oct 20, 1999
BIGBET is right, dont sweat what somebody says on a forum, take it from somebody who has been bashed maybe more than anybody.

ALL of us have many friends and family that know the decent truth about each of us, the rest is just all gravy if they care to believe or not.

Remember, there are billions in China that could give a rats ass about any of us.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Shrink, I would like to thank you for your kind words. I will concede that perhaps I was a little harsh in terms of bringing up who bets bigger. As shrink stated, I was raised to never bring up one's monetary status in terms of drawing a distinction between who is better than the other guy. One's finances have ZERO to do with their quality of character, intelligence, etc. I have a million times more respect for my high school English teacher who makes 60k a year than I do for Billy Walters who makes 60k a day. Bottom line is that this guy continues to bash everyone on these forums, and for no justified reason, and without any tangible proof of his ridiculous allegations. For guys to be allowed to attack fellow posters without ramification in the form of at least a rebuttal is a farce. There are times when posters should defend themselves as opposed to turning the other cheek. Was I wrong to bring up the fact that I bet more on one game than he makes in a year? Yes. However, sometime ones blood pressure goes up to a point that they say stupid things, as I did on this thread. I want to clarify that I have nothing but the highest regard for the smallest of the small gamblers here. I have a betting group, and one of the most valued opinions in my group comes from a guy who bets $100.00 a game! IMO, this place would be a lot better if people DID give posters the benefit of the doubt unless they have STRONG evidence that the poster is full of shiat. The way guys like Kiss 1 conduct themselves, they are more of a detraction that an attribute to the site. Once again, just my .02. Everyone out there, may you have a HUGE weekend, and may you bury your man!!!:103631605 :toast:
Last edited:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
AnthonyRichkas said:
Kiss is a J.O.

He used to ride my ass all the time at covers. Got me banned a few times.
Seeing as you are one of the biggest clowns out there, you probably deserved it.:finger:

Sep 20, 2004
I have read the many posts by Weekendalki and Kiss1, and to me there is no doubt who the real asset is between these two posters and that is Weekendalki. I have never read a post from Kiss1 that has been positive, uplifting, or even informative that helps others out here at the RX. Weekendalki is undoubtdly an asset that we can not affort to lose his worthwhile contributions.

Sep 20, 2004
I certainly give out many more winners than Weekendalki and hopefully one day he will be able to sniff my jockstrap if he is lucky. But I do respect his opinion.

New member
Jan 1, 2001
jjgold said:
Covers has allwhore **** ******** and thieves

Higherst rate of scammers come from covers boards

Half of mods on take with sportsbooks

real scumbags

RX is pure class
if this post isnt a fact, I dont think it should stand....

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